TRaveMemo Multiline Text?
(too old to reply)
2008-05-22 08:26:36 UTC
Hi There,

I am trying to build a rave report without the designer.
Got a small example from Nevrona's site which looks helpful.

One question is:
How do you add multiline text to a TRaveMemo's text property?
I have tried the following but it prints the text on one line:

TRaveMemo.Text := 'Line 1' + #13#10 + 'Line 2';

Please help.

BTW: I am using Delphi 7 Ent with standard shipped Rave components.
Karol Bieniaszewski
2008-06-03 09:53:37 UTC
you must draw self each line

use RaveMemo.GetNextLine in some loop ..

Karol Bieniaszewski
Post by MvT
Hi There,
I am trying to build a rave report without the designer.
Got a small example from Nevrona's site which looks helpful.
How do you add multiline text to a TRaveMemo's text property?
TRaveMemo.Text := 'Line 1' + #13#10 + 'Line 2';
Please help.
BTW: I am using Delphi 7 Ent with standard shipped Rave components.
Trevor Keegan
2008-06-07 02:14:58 UTC

What Karol said, is not exactly true. I it only true if you need to have
finer control over the printing of the memo. Please have a look at either
TBaseReport.PrintMemo or TMemoBuf.PrintLines. RAVE will automaticall do the
wrapping based on the left and right bounds that you have set on the memo.

Trevor Keegan
Karol Bieniaszewski
2008-06-10 05:54:56 UTC
Post by Trevor Keegan
What Karol said, is not exactly true. I it only true if you need to have
finer control over the printing of the memo. Please have a look at either
TBaseReport.PrintMemo or TMemoBuf.PrintLines. RAVE will automaticall do
the wrapping based on the left and right bounds that you have set on the
Trevor Keegan
I agree with you this is better in same situation
but without any control of printing :/

Karol Bieniaszewski
Trevor Keegan
2008-06-13 00:58:46 UTC
Hello Karol,

It depends on what sort of control that you need ;-)

Usually I find that using these 2 methods gives me all the control that I
need....MvT's requirement was to simply print the Memo (at least no other
requirements were stated), and I have an aversion to writing any more code
than I need too :-)

Trevor Keegan
