Rave Reports Installation
(too old to reply)
2008-05-19 13:10:42 UTC
A seemingly basic question - How do I install Rave Reports ?

I'm using BDS 2006 Enterprise Update2, under WinXP SP2 and trying
to install the bundled Rave Reports.

I have tried : 'Component>Install Packages...>Add...' and
navigated to 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports' where
there a 7 bpl files only one of which installs -
'RvDesign65.bpl' (the only design-time package).

When I next open 'Component>Install Packages...' I can see 'Rave
Design-time Library' checked, and also 'Rave Graphics
Components', 'Rave Language Engine' and 'Rave Report Components'
- all unchecked.

But I can't see any 'Rave' tab on the Tool Palette or any way to
use the Rave components.

When I close BDS and re-open it I find that 'Rave Design-time
Library' is now unchecked. If I try try to check it I get the
message 'Application failed to start because RVCore65.bpl was not
found....' - but 'RvCre65.bpl IS present in C:\Program

What am I doing wrong ?
Thomas Pfister
2008-05-20 19:33:17 UTC
have you checked the library-pathes in your Delphi - IDE ?

:-) Thomas Pfister

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Post by mcinwg
A seemingly basic question - How do I install Rave Reports ?
I'm using BDS 2006 Enterprise Update2, under WinXP SP2 and trying to
install the bundled Rave Reports.
I have tried : 'Component>Install Packages...>Add...' and
navigated to 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports' where
there a 7 bpl files only one of which installs -
'RvDesign65.bpl' (the only design-time package).
When I next open 'Component>Install Packages...' I can see 'Rave
Design-time Library' checked, and also 'Rave Graphics Components',
'Rave Language Engine' and 'Rave Report Components' - all unchecked.
But I can't see any 'Rave' tab on the Tool Palette or any way to use
the Rave components.
When I close BDS and re-open it I find that 'Rave Design-time Library'
is now unchecked. If I try try to check it I get the message
'Application failed to start because RVCore65.bpl was not found....' -
but 'RvCre65.bpl IS present in C:\Program
What am I doing wrong ?
2008-05-21 00:49:43 UTC
have you checked the library-paths in your Delphi - IDE ?
Thanks Thomas ...

Tools>Options>Environment Options>Delphi Options>Library-Win32:

In 'Library path' I already had
'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports\Lib' and
'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports', so I
re-arranged them to put '...\RaveReports' before
'...\RaveReports\Lib' - but no change in behaviour.

I even put 'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports' into
the 'Browsing path', still with no effect. On reloading BDS it
cannot find 'RVCore65.bpl'

Any more ideas ?
2008-05-21 19:24:34 UTC
I've tried something different - unsuccessfully.

I'm using WinXP Pro SP2 ...
I normally use a User account and have had no problems for the
past two+ years with running BDS 2006 Ent under this account.

I switched to my Admin account and tried 'Components>Install
Packages' with 'RvDesign65.bpl' - I got the message "Cannot load
'RvCore65'. It contains unit 'RvCmHuff' which is also contained in
package 'Rave65VCL100'". However I now could see the Rave tab on
the Tool Palette and could place components on a D32 form - so
working OK.

However, when I went back to my User account, the Rave components
were not there and I still had the same problem installing them.

Going back again to the Admin account showed Rave still in place.
I also checked permissions on my User account - the BDS folder and
all folders under it (ie: including 'Rave' have 'Full Control',
and therefore User should behave as if it were Admin.

Any thoughts on how to get Rave installed under my User account ?
Thomas Pfister
2008-05-22 06:39:53 UTC
please check your hdd for other rave-files (from older / newer rave-versions).
where are the bpl-files (xx65.bpl) located ?

:-) Thomas Pfister

This mail was sent using 100% recycled electrons
Post by mcinwg
I've tried something different - unsuccessfully.
I'm using WinXP Pro SP2 ...
I normally use a User account and have had no problems for the
past two+ years with running BDS 2006 Ent under this account.
I switched to my Admin account and tried 'Components>Install Packages'
with 'RvDesign65.bpl' - I got the message "Cannot load 'RvCore65'. It
contains unit 'RvCmHuff' which is also contained in package
'Rave65VCL100'". However I now could see the Rave tab on the Tool
Palette and could place components on a D32 form - so working OK.
However, when I went back to my User account, the Rave components were
not there and I still had the same problem installing them.
Going back again to the Admin account showed Rave still in place. I
also checked permissions on my User account - the BDS folder and all
folders under it (ie: including 'Rave' have 'Full Control', and
therefore User should behave as if it were Admin.
Any thoughts on how to get Rave installed under my User account ?
2008-05-23 00:46:23 UTC
Post by Thomas Pfister
please check your hdd for other rave-files (from older / newer rave-versions).
where are the bpl-files (xx65.bpl) located ?
I haven't had Rave Reports before the version bundled with
BDS2006, and none since.

I have searched for rv*.* files - there are all the Rave files in
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports
C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports\Lib
and subfolders ..\DataLinks, ..\Demos, ..\Docs and ..\Help,
and some other rv*.* files which are obviously not Rave.

All the bpl's contain '65' in their name, and there's
'Rave65VCL.dcp' and 'Rave65VCL.lib'.
But no other 'numbered' files.

I have checked again ... all these folders have FullControl under
my User account, all inherited from C:\Program Files\Borland,
where I set the FullControl.
2008-05-26 01:19:03 UTC
It looks like I have solved the problem.

By looking more carefully at the successful installation under my
Admin account, I saw that the installed package was in fact the
package 'dclRave.bpl' found in the folder
'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports\Lib'.

I had been trying to install the (to me) more obvious package
'RvDesign65.bpl' found in folder
'C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\4.0\RaveReports'.

Package 'dclRave.bpl' must have been installed when I first
upgraded to BDS2006 from my Admin account, but inexplicably became
invisible or 'un-installed' for use under my User account.

Rave Reports Help gives no clues as to how to properly install the

Thanks for your suggestions, Thomas.
