Problem with encoding in PDF
(too old to reply)
Karol Bieniaszewski
2008-06-10 09:05:27 UTC

i search in google without successful answer

How can i use e.g Polish(Poland), Czech .. font encoding?
Is this posible to get national characters in RenderPDF?

Please help
Karol Bieniaszewski
Trevor Keegan
2008-06-11 07:44:53 UTC

I have not tried.....but I do not think so, you might need to take a look at
the eDocEngine www.gnostice.com

Trevor Keegan
Nevrona Support
2008-06-14 03:59:17 UTC
Post by Karol Bieniaszewski
i search in google without successful answer
How can i use e.g Polish(Poland), Czech .. font encoding?
Is this posible to get national characters in RenderPDF?
Sorry, but composite fonts to both HTML and PDF are not currently possible. There is a widely discussed problem with Delphi for Win32 having a problem with the way Delphi processes WideStrings. We have come up with a way to avoid some of those problems during the regular Preview and Print process. We do that by "bypassing" Delphi so-to-speak and making direct Windows calls. However, this technique does not work with HTML nor PDF. Therefore we are not able to pass MBCS, composite or Unicode fonts to HTML or PDF.

The new Delphi for Win32 (Tiburon) will work with Unicode and we are looking forward to that release. It is our hope (and expectation) that we will have more success with conversions to both HTML and PDF.
Tech Support
Nevrona Designs
